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Cleaning Supplies

200% Satisfaction Guarantee

Professionalism & Excellence Guaranteed

The most common complaint we hear about cleaning & janitorial services is that quality sometimes deteriorates over time.


We want you to be extremely satisfied, in fact, absolutely delighted with every cleaning we provide.


We are so confident of our quality and consistency that we guarantee our work 200%. If you are not completely satisfied with our work, call us within 24 hours and we will re-clean the unsatisfactory area within two business days free of charge. If you are still not satisfied, one of our managers will visit your business, rental, work site or home to inspect the deficiency, refund your money and write a check to a local charity for the amount of your cleaning on your behalf.



Quality Control:


Our quality control manager will periodically inspect your house to make sure it is being maintained according to our high standards. We also ask that you “score” our cleaning each time we visit. You may provide this feedback on our website. Naturally, anything of a serious or urgent nature should immediately be called into the office.

200% Professional Cleaning Guarantee: Inner_about
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